By Sofia Kim (Volunteer, United States)
On Saturday, July 21, 2012, Global Mamas held a very special event at the Community Gardens: the Global Mamas of the Year Awards. Melanie and Wisdom presided over the event, and provided entertainment and excitement for all. Prior to the awards announcements, the group enjoyed jollof rice (a popular dish in Ghana), salad and chicken cooked by EliMax, which was a big hit! We did a small icebreaker exercise where we met the people sitting around us, as well as a ‘shout outs’ to recognize the accomplishments of the women over the past year (had a baby, expanded her shop, sent a child to school, etc).
The awards for 2012 were then announced. The award winners from the previous year, announced the winners for 2012. The awards went to:
Initiative: Agnes Cole Arthur
Innovation: Sabina Hasford
Leadership: Betty Baiden
Dedication: Jennifer Benedicta Ocran
Staff Member of the Year: George Nassah
Global Mama of the Year: Faustina Antwi
The mamas all offered positive feedback about the awards program and left with smiles on their faces. Betty Baiden said to one volunteer, “Thank you for providing us the energy to go and work harder and achieve more in the coming year.”
A special thank you to Colleen Fulp & Lauren Sheridan for fundraising to make the event possible and for leading the planning committee!